アベ ダイジロウ
Abe Daijiro
安陪 大治郎
九州産業大学 教育研究施設 健康・スポーツ科学センター
Normalized economical speed is influenced by aging and not by exercise habituation 2023/10
Gait variability of interlimb coordination in high-heeled shoes with detachable base sockets under conditions of sinusoidal speed change 2023/09
Relationship between ball graspability and run-up during ball velocity acquisition process 2022/11
Effects of exercise habituation and aging on the intersegmental coordination of lower limbs during walking with sinusoidal speed change 2022/06/08
Economical and preferred walking speed using body weight support apparatus with a spring-like characteristics 2021/09/06
トレーニングエクササイズにおける動作様式の違いが力学変量に及ぼす影響を簡易的に評価する方法の検討:フライングスプリット動作に対する単一対象者・複数試行測定,複数対象者・単一試行測定及び複数対象者・複数試行測定の比較より 2021/01
ラテラルジャンプにおける体幹の煽りの有無が下肢関節伸展トルクに及ぼす影響. 2021/01
On the simple calculation of walking efficiency without kinematic information for its convenient use 2019/12
Why do we transition from walking to running? - Energy cost and lower leg muscle activity before and after gait transition under body weight support 2019/12
Combined effects of exposure to hypoxia and cool on walking economy and muscle oxygenation profiles at tibialis anterior 2019/06
Influence of age on cardiorespiratory kinetics during sinusoidal walking in humans 2018/08
Energy cost and lower leg muscle activities during erect bipedal locomotion under hyperoxia 2018/06
Measuring the energy of ventilation and circulation during human walking using induced hypoxia 2017/07
Muscle activities during walking and running at energetically optimal transition speed under normobaric hypoxia on gradient slopes 2017/04
Dynamic characteristics of ventilatory and gas exchange during sinusoidal walking in humans 2017/01
Walking economy at simulated high altitude in human healthy young male lowlanders 2016/10
連続背伸び動作における下腿筋群の筋活動 2016/03
Economical speed and energetically optimal transition speed evaluated by gross and net oxygen cost of transport at different gradients 2015/09
Comparisons of energy cost of walking and economical walking speed at various gradients in healthy younger and older adults 2015/08
Relationship between perceived exertion and blood lactate concentrations during incremental running test in young females 2015/01
Energy cost of pushing a wheelchair on various gradients in young men 2014/05
男女大学生における肥満と隠れ肥満、および隠れ肥満予備群に関する実態調査 2014/03
Phosphocreatine resysnthesis during recovery in different muscles of the exercising leg by 31P-MRS 2013/10
高強度等尺性収縮における大腿部協働筋群の筋活動様相 2013/03
授業を介した学生の行動変容の可能性 第8報:喫煙行動に対する健康科学関連科目の貢献(2) 2012/03
Effects of load and gradient on energy cost of running 2011/08
歩行中の下肢協働筋群に発生する筋弾性機能の評価: 座位作業者と運動選手の比較検討 2011/07
授業を介した学生の行動変容の可能性 第5報:喫煙行動に対する健康学関連科目の貢献 2011/01
Biomechanical analysis of gait and sit-to-stand patterns using a specially made knee supporter in healthy young and elderly individuals. 2010/04
高強度ダイナミック運動時における大腿部協働筋群の筋活動様相 2010/03
Ergonomic effects of load carriage on energy cost of gradient walking. 2008/07
Ergonomic effects of load carriage on the upper and lower back on metabolic energy cost of walking. 2008/07
System analysis for oxygen uptake kinetics with step and pseudorandom binary sequence exercise in endurance athletes. 2008/05
Influence of work rate on dynamics of O2 uptake under hypoxic conditions in humans. 2008/04
二次元画像解析法を用いた走フォーム分析とランニングエコノミーの関係 2008/01
Changes in EMG characteristics and metabolic energy cost of 90-min prolonged running. 2007/12
重量負荷を用いたウォーキングおよびランニングが下肢筋群の機能保持にもたらす効果 2007/10
血流制限を施した短期間中強度の筋力トレーニングによる筋力増強効果について 2007/04
二次元画像解析法を用いた走り幅跳びのバイオメカニクス的分析 2007
Assessment of short-distance breaststroke swimming performance with critical velocity. 2006/04
低速度の持久走が足アーチ構造に及ぼす影響 2005/12
タイプの異なる走運動が血漿CPK活性値の変動に及ぼす影響. 2005
Effects of load carriage, load position, and walking speed on energy cost of walking. 2004/09
Contributions of muscle sympathetic nerve activity and potent vasoconstrictors for blood flow redistribution during dynamic heavy exercise in humans. 2004/04
Field testing of VO2peak in cross-country skiers with portable breath-by-breath system. 2001/01
血漿CPK活性値とPOMSプロフィルを用いたバレーボール選手のコンディショニングについて 2000/05
エリート駅伝ランナーのコンディショニングに関する研究: 血漿CPK活性値とPOMSプロフィルの変動を中心にして 1999/06
球技選手のコンディショニングに関する研究(1): 主に血漿CPK活性値とPOMSテストから 1999/05
Assessment of long-distance running performance in elite male runners using onset of blood lactate accumulation. 1999/04
Assessment of middle-distance running performance in sub-elite young runners using energy cost of running. 1998/06
青年と高齢者における歩行動作の比較: 足部の運動特性に着目して 1998/05
駅伝ランナーのコンディショニングに関する研究: 主に血漿CPK活性値とPOMSテストから 1998/04
長距離走における呼吸リズム 1996/12