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九州産業大学 教育研究施設 健康・スポーツ科学センター
Effects of patterned electrical sensory nerve stimulation and static stretching on joint range of motion and passive torque 2023/08/22
Firing behavior of single motor units of the tibialis anterior in human walking as non-invasively revealed by HDsEMG decomposition 2022/12
Effect of electromyostimulation training on intramuscular fat accumulation determined by ultrasonography in older adults 2022/10
Effects of exercise habituation and aging on the intersegmental coordination of lower limbs during walking with sinusoidal speed change 2022/06
Determinants of whole-body maximal aerobic performance in young male and female athletes: The roles of lower extremity muscle size, strength and power 2022/01
Relationship between adiponectin and intramuscular fat content determined by ultrasonography in older adults 2022/01
Intra-limb modulations of posterior root-muscle reflexes evoked from the lower-limb muscles during isometric voluntary contractions 2021/10
Robust identification of motor unit discharges from high-density surface EMG in dynamic muscle contractions of the tibialis anterior 2021/08
Effect of electromyostimulation on intramyocellular lipids of the vastus lateralis in older adults: A randomized controlled trial 2021/06/23
Inter-muscle differences in modulation of motor evoked potentials and posterior root-muscle reflexes evoked from lower-limb muscles during agonist and antagonist muscle contractions 2021/02
Age-related changes in muscle volume and intramuscular fat content in quadriceps femoris and hamstrings 2020/04
下肢筋群の脊髄興奮性を評価する経皮的脊髄刺激法―縦断的評価法としての確立を目指して― 2019/06
Repeatability of spinal reflexes of lower limb muscles evoked by transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation 2019/04
Effects of 10-week walking and walking with home-based resistance training on muscle quality, muscle size, and physical functional tests in healthy older individuals 2019/01
Relationship between physical activity and intramyocellular lipid content is different between young and older adults 2019/01
Riding posture affects quadriceps femoris oxygenation during an incremental cycle exercise in cycle-based athletes 2018/08
Muscle synergies are consistent across level and uphill treadmill running 2018/04
Influence of motor imagery on spinal reflex excitability of multiple muscles 2018/02
Localization of muscle damage within the quadriceps femoris induced by different types of eccentric exercises 2018/01
Similarity of muscle synergies extracted from the lower limb including the deep muscles between level and uphill walking 2018/01
事前の股関節屈曲筋力発揮が低強度・長時間の等尺性膝関節伸展時の大腿四頭筋の活動交替様相に与える影響 2017/07
Relationship between quadriceps echo intensity and functional and morphological characteristics in older men and women 2017/01
Effects of prolonged vibration to vastus intermedius muscle on force steadiness of knee extensor muscles during isometric force-matching task 2016/10
大腿四頭筋に対する伸張性収縮後のMRI T2値と超音波エラストグラフィによる筋硬度の関係について 2016/10
Anatomical cross-sectional area of the quadriceps femoris and sit-to-stand test score in middle-aged and elderly population, development of a predictive equation 2016/06
Associations of intramyocellular lipid in vastus lateralis and biceps femoris with blood free fatty acid and muscle strength differ between young and elderly adults 2016/01
Effects of prolonged patellar tendon vibration on force steadiness in quadriceps femoris during force-matching task 2016/01
Effect of interelectrode distance on surface electromyographic signals of vastus intermedius muscle in women and men 2015/10
Neuromuscular activation of the vastus intermedius muscle during isometric hip flexion 2015/10
スクワット動作における中間広筋の活動特性 2015/08
Coordination among thigh muscles including the vastus intermedius and adductor magnus at different cycling intensities 2015/04
Local architecture of the vastus intermedius is a better predictor of knee extension force than that of the other quadriceps femoris muscle heads 2015/01
Validity of fascicle length estimation in the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius using ultrasonography 2014/04
在宅での短期間レジスタンストレーニングが高齢者の身体機能と形態に及ぼす影響 2014/04
Knee joint angle affects EMG-force relationship in the vastus intermedius muscle 2013/12
Activation of quadriceps femoris including vastus intermedius during fatiguing dynamic knee extensions 2013/04
The highest antagonistic coactivation of the vastus intermedius muscle among quadriceps femoris muscles during isometric knee flexion 2013/04
Inverse activation between the deeper vastus intermedius and superficial muscles in quadriceps during dynamic knee extensions 2013/03
高齢者を対象とした自宅での短期間レジスタンストレーニングが筋機能・形態に及ぼす影響 2013/02
Alternate muscle activity patterns among synergists of the quadriceps femoris including the vastus intermedius during low-level sustained contraction in men 2012/03
等尺性股関節屈曲運動時の大腿直筋の筋収縮が中間広筋の筋活動に及ぼす影響 2011/07